
Our Community Has Done Some Great Things

Our community has always been amazing, but recently they have really surpassed themselves. Thanks to their support, a few months ago, we were able to order this market tent so we can start expanding the CM Stars Farms end of things. Just a few days ago, we were able to help an elderly man with groceries after a life threatening illness that has prevented him from working, all thanks to our incredible community! We are particularly proud of that last one because that is what we want CM Stars Creations & everything under it to be about. Of course, we have to make a living, but we NEVER want it to be just about that. Our hope is to grow to a point where we are making & living AND are able to help as many people as possible. Thanks to our community & supporters, we're on our way to reaching that goal. To all of you who have supported us in any way, THANK YOU!!!